
What is Steps?

This service supports those people who are being discharged from secondary mental health services when their care is stepped down to the GP.

We aim to help people continue to develop their ability to cope, building on the person’s strengths and helping the person to establish their own support network within the local community.

Discharge can be a daunting prospect, and we are here to help people with this transition to help reduce any anxiety the person may be experiencing.

Steps also offers support to those who are still engaging with the Recovery Team, and all three areas of support are explained below:

Steps Programme:

Step Down

This gives you a point of contact and regular appointments following your recent discharge from secondary mental health services.

Following the initial assessment, you will be offered 12 monthly appointments of up to 1 hour with the option to reduce as your mental health improves. 

This includes outreach in the community if this is something you would like to help maintain positive mental health. 

Step Up

Temporary added support at a time of crisis, usually for two weeks.

The support is tailored to your individual needs; for example, it may include telephone or face-to-face support when you are most in need of extra help but not in need of urgent mental health care or hospital admission.

Step Plan

Offers structured support if you are ready to engage in community activities, increase your daily activities and help build a support network.

The support is offered over 4 weekly appointments for one month or biweekly appointments over 2 months.

How Can I Access the Steps Programme?

What can we Offer?
  • A warm handover with your referrer to discuss your goals and reasons for referral.
  • We can look at the tools and coping strategies you have identified and help you maintain these.
  • The appointments can be held in the community, at our office space or via telephone. 
Who can access the Steps Programme?
  • Anyone who is registered with the Swindon Recovery Team (AWP).
How can I make a Referral?
  • Please speak to your key worker at Chatsworth House, and they will complete the referral form on your behalf.


What are the Opening Hours of the Steps Programme?

Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Thursday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

How Do I Contact The Steps Service?

Tel: 01793 547150
Email: [email protected] 

Empowering transitions, fostering resilience, one step at a time…

"Being able to speak to someone who understands mental health problems has been crucial for me in my recovery and perhaps appreciated even more since I have been stepped down from Chatsworth House." - Chloe

"I am grateful and appreciate the support, help and advice. The support has been invaluable, and I am not quite sure where I would be without that in the last year or so. You have helped me more than I can express in words." - Tash

"It’s has been good to talk to someone to get this off my chest, instead of mulling things round all the time. Especially when you’re stuck indoors. It’s been helpful to have someone to talk to." - Steph


What people ask about the most…


I want to engage in the Steps Programme but I'm not currently under the care of AWP, what can I do?

We have other avenues of support available for you if you’re currently not receiving any support from AWP. If you’d like to discuss your options over the phone, you can contact us via 01793 547150 or complete a referral form


How do I find out what type of Steps Programme I'm able to engage in?

You can take a look at our information on this page, or we’d be happy to discuss it with you via telephone 01793 547150 or email [email protected]