Young Persons

What is Young Person’s Service?

We offer one-to-one appointments for people to develop mental health and wellbeing plans based on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing.

When you receive your referral, you will be assigned a Young Person’s Practitioner who will work with you to create a wellbeing plan and offer follow-up reviews. Appointments also include goal setting and recovery action plans, which can look at your triggers and early warning signs and help you identify coping mechanisms.

Appointments can also include advice and signposting with S&G Mind signposting to appropriate local agencies in the area.

CAMHS Step Down Programme

We partner with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) to help ease transitions for young people aged 18 and being discharged from CAMHS. This includes one-to-one monthly appointments with an assigned Young Person’s Practitioner for up to 12 months.

Young Person’s Group

Whether you’re navigating anxiety, depression, stress, or simply seeking a place to share your thoughts, you’ll find a welcoming space here.

Our sessions focus on fostering resilience, developing coping strategies, and promoting self-care practices.

How Can I Access the Young Person’s Service?

What can we offer?
  • One-to-one appointments can last for up to 1 hour and can be held in person at our office spaces, by telephone or virtually.
  • Follow-up review appointments are offered every 4 to 8 weeks. 
Who can access the Service?
  • Anyone who is 16+ and lives in Swindon or is registered with a Swindon GP.
How can I make a referral?


How Do I Contact the Young Person’s Service?

Tel: 01793 547150
Email: [email protected] 

What are the Opening Hours of the Young Person’s Service? 

Monday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Thursday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

"The service was easily accessible and helpful." - Lily

"Nothing could have improved the service, it was fantastic." - James

"I got back to work because of this support, and this was a turning point for me." - Helen


What people ask about the most…


Do you offer family therapy / counselling / wellbeing support?

Although we do not currently provide family support we can offer individual support so, if you and other members of your family need support, we will allocate you a Wellbeing Coordinator individually.


English isn’t my first language; can you still support me?

Yes, we are an inclusive service and use a translation service that provides a wide range of interpreting and translation services.

I work full time so won’t be able to access daytime appointments. Do you offer an evening service?

Yes, we provide evening appointments currently on a Monday and Thursday evening until 7PM.


What is the Five Ways to Wellbeing Model?

The Five Ways to Wellbeing Model (New Economics Foundation, NEF, 2008) is an evidence-based model which includes five key messages around social relationships, physical activity, awareness, learning and giving. This has been spilt into: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give.